View Profile Anco6900
Just out here to have some fun and make some flashes.... and I love it!

Age 31, Male

Canada eh!

Joined on 12/15/08

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Anco6900's News

Posted by Anco6900 - May 14th, 2010

Need to change that display pic or whatever. HEY you people-everyone, yes...

Well just working on stuff in my animation class and trying to finish this Sonic short before it's too late, but it's been project after project at school offering me no free time, I'm getting really pissed. But It makes sense seeing exams are coming soon. Just can't wait til summer then I can animate all the hell I want and go back to sleeping til... well, anytime that isn't seven in the morning.

On the flash update topic-thing, hmmm let's see, well I'm trying to keep myself from multitasking projects because when I do I wind up only having half finished flashes and I STILL don't have anything to show for what I have done with my not-so-new tablet! So I'm making it a priority to finish the Sonic Short before moving on into other things. It should not be long now because I only have 3 scenes left to do (all relatively short) and then I'm basically done that!

Wait... what the hell am I doing? I could be working on that right now! Gotta go!

Posted by Anco6900 - March 3rd, 2010

It comes when you least expect it but almost every time you need it most is when it decided to sorta wonder off somewhere unknown. Whatever, whining just delays time to work but holy crap it's hard to stay focused. Well felt I haven't said much in a while so here's a quick little update.

Super Weegee Galaxy is starting to get back on track, I'm just hoping to finish it before Mario Galaxy 2 comes out.

Assassin's Deeds 2 is suffering from some minor audio de-synch but once fixed it shall still be a bitch to finish off this huge ass script (considering making many cuts)

And I got school shit that's stealing away most my time, although it's not really a good excuse honestly.

OH and I'm working on a Sonic Shorts 6 collab entry. Hopefully there still time to enter. If approved then hooray! If rejected the you shall still see it. It's about half way done, seeing it's rather short.

EDIT:Changed my idea for the sonic shorts entry so it's funnier and quicker to the point... well, I think so. About 3/4 done, but procrastinating is not helping me

Inspiration is a bitch ain't it?

Posted by Anco6900 - January 21st, 2010


I tried uploading it here on NG but the canvas size is to big to be allowed here (1280 x 720 is the size). The story behind this is in the youtube description. Any questions? Ask away!

/* */

Posted by Anco6900 - January 4th, 2010

Alright yet another post so shortly after the last but what can I say, I'm a blogger I suppose :/

SO Why haven't I uploaded anything in the last few months? Why haven't I released anything since I got my tablet? ALL ANSWERS SHALL BE REVEALED!

So I am hard at work believe it or not and I can't wait to finally post something because I think my animations have vastly improved since my last ones. I'm just stuck on my voice actress for Weegee Galaxy and her not being available on certain days (and I'm getting some second thoughts because the more she talks the more I wonder how well it'll fit the role). Either way I'm working hard on that but also my Assassin's Creed 2 spoof (I think I'll name Assassin's Deeds 2.... meh, still working on that). If YOU have a clever suggestion for a name let me know! I welcome your ideas :)

I'm also doing animations in my Comm. Tech course at school and another animation class next semester hopefully (which should mean I'll have bonus content to post in my animations). BUT the good news is that I have a CPT in which I shall make an animation for, so that will give me something to post hopefully. Bad news is it's going to be 60 seconds, and it has to be content that I all created (such as foleys and music). SO I'm working really hard on trying to make a good sounding song through Logic Express but the problem is I can't play any instruments well and I'm that great of a mixer... but hopefully I can whip up something at least decent.


Posted by Anco6900 - December 23rd, 2009

Well... unless you don't believe in christmas or something like that.... then enjoy it is whatever you normally do around this time of year..... HAPPY HOLIDAYS! I am still hard at work, though I'm being very easily distracted >:( , but things are looking good!

But no one cares yet about what I have to offer so you all just go enjoy you're Holidays :)

Posted by Anco6900 - December 16th, 2009

Looks nicely done :)

Anyway as a Xmas sorta update (not likely, I'm going to likely make another one soon), I am making some good progress in the Weegee flash, just in a snag because I need a female voice to act as Rosalina. I'll probably find a friend to do it... hopefully soon. Til then I suppose I'm going to start working on some shorts I've got in mind. Hopefully that will also take off soon. Anyway, enjoy your Christmas Break everyone!

Posted by Anco6900 - November 21st, 2009

haha pretty much al that is to say... well here's a glimpse of the new flash I'm working on. It's not much but I can't show much else because I'm still pretty early into the flash but I must say I'm seeing MUCH improvement in art and animation since I get the tablet. THANKS NG FORUM:D

my birthday today

Posted by Anco6900 - November 19th, 2009

SO happy with the tablet right now. Meaning more work but I actually can't wait to get started. This new mic is also amazing compared to me last one, it's like hearing my voices for the first time. It also showed me how much more practice I need to keep doing haha. Well work is moving again so keep your eyes peeled for some stuff sometime in the not so distant future.

Posted by Anco6900 - November 5th, 2009

Not much to say right now, I have a lot of skits on my minds right now... and I've pretty much put actual work on a hold until I get the tablet. But I have a lot of ideas and scripts written out so now I'm anxiously awaiting to get back to work. But I'll make a short progress bar to show what's hopefully to come in the future.

Sonic & Chip = (----______) 25%

Obama Dance= (------_____) 50%

Flower Xtreme= (----______) 40%

Flower Xtreme though, I might abandon.
Also I have three music videos I plan on doing
and my favourite one I want to get started on is:

Super Weegee Galaxy= Script complete

Well, here's the progress bar which I'll hopefully update whenever progress has been made.

Posted by Anco6900 - September 30th, 2009

Hey hey haven't been workin on any flashes in a while and I've been meaning to get back to it but didn't want to just submit some crap.... so I'm working on something right now! I was hoping to save this video idea til after I make a few more flashes because it's another sonic unleashed parody and I feel like it's weird to release another sonic parody right after my first one... but to hell with it and I'm starting it! Hard to tell when it'll be done though seeing as I just started working on it and I plan to REALLY try and work on my drawings so I'm paying more attention to that at the cost of how long it'll take to finish... hopefully it'll payoff.

Anyway after that's done I'm hoping to also make another Half Life parody (not an awesome tribute) seeing as my first one looks like crap haha. It shall be a half life 2 parody and... well... it'll hopefully look really good. Not sure about the script yet but I don't want to get ahead myself when I'm not even finished the one I'm on now.

Also thinking of getting a tablet (that's what they're called right?) so I can draw right onto the computer and hopefully it'll cost less than a scanner cause I'm kinda low on cash.... I'll get to checking that.

More to come people! I'll do my best