View Profile Anco6900
Just out here to have some fun and make some flashes.... and I love it!

Age 31, Male

Canada eh!

Joined on 12/15/08

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Anco6900's News

Posted by Anco6900 - September 11th, 2009

well I'm still a little bummed about the whole "being banned from submitting audio" deal but I'm moving on now. Now I'm trying to decide what to work on next. In school we get the choice to either do video or flash (or both if I want) so I'm not sure which to choose. At least they have a scanner there so drawings should look a lot better (hopefully). I've also being doing some dubs so incase there's anyone who's missed my voice haha be sure to check some of the brawl dubs.

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Posted by Anco6900 - August 21st, 2009

Well it's up on youtube but I'ld still prefer to post it on newgrounds.... but the problem is that I feel like I'm being to much like Jonas (creator of Metal Gill Awesome) if I were to post it... not that there's anything wrong with his video, just I would feel like I'm copying him as well. Soooo I'm going to add some more ORIGINAL CONTENT :O just for here so it's not just Obama Gear Awesome.... it will have more... as sson as I think of somethin....

anyway feel free to check out the Obama Dance or Obama Gear Awesome on youtube right now if you wish... more shall come sooner or later!

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Posted by Anco6900 - August 12th, 2009

Just got the trial of photoshop and so far it's been really easy to use (or at least for the things I'm doing). I've been trying to combine photoshop and flash together because I know a lot of people use photoshop in their flashes and I decided to try it out as well. Again, so far everything has been real easy and I'm already trying it out in a quick flash I just recently made. I think it turned out pretty well. If it's not already, then it will be available soon.

On a side note the Flower flash has taken a lot longer than expected and just doesn't seem worth the trouble to make... but I'm half done so I think I might as well finish it. I've also improved my drawing which most people complain about by tracing images and making them into my own. I didn't really want to start tracing but so far I find the drawings look a lot better so I might stick to it as training wheels for now.

ALSO if anyone has seen my flashes, you might not want to forget to check my others on youtube. Those flashes are quick ones that I do when I'm stressed on another project and decide to do some more poorly done flashes (which is why I don't post them on newgrounds). The ironic twist though is I find to like them a bit better because they are a lot more random and I find funny.

Anyway stuffs going great and if anyone likes my work then keep you eyes peeled for more coming soon.

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Posted by Anco6900 - June 17th, 2009

I want to know how to make easter eggs but I don't know how. I have tried looking it up on the web but it never finds what I'm looking for and I've tried doing it myself but I still have no luck. I'm still trying but if someone already knows how please do tell.

Also still having no luck getting clear gif. images soooo if you know that as well let me know......

...... ya that's all the news I got..... Prototype is awesome........ alright just thought I'd share that :)

Posted by Anco6900 - April 7th, 2009

figured out the whole syncing problem thing so HOORAY! anyway I noticed that I am abusing the news posting power by posting a bunch a shit that most people really don't care about so I'm going to take a loooooong break from this unless I have REALLY important news. So yaa that's the plan.... but again I don't think anyone will read this either so it's aaaaaaall good.... good stuff

Posted by Anco6900 - April 5th, 2009

I've been working on flash again and I'm almost finished our second flash! Trust me this one I have a feeling you will all like better, but I don't want to say anything about it yet cause I want to keep it a surprise... well not that many people are gonna read this but still! I also have tons of projects on my mind! just need to work out my schedule seeing I got tons of school work to catch up on because of my trip to Cuba. Good fun though, I definitely liked the extra week of march break haha.

Anyways got lots of projects coming but some I don't know exactly when they'll be done. Also I'm not sure why but everytime I use flash and start to add the audio files I want to the flash, all the audio gets unsynced and I have to try and fix it somehow. I'm always able to fix it somehow but I don't know why it keeps doing this. Then again my computer is pretty slow because I'm not the only one who uses it but I'm not sure if that's the problem. Anyways I'm trying to find the solution because it would mean that flashes would be coming faster instead of having to re-sync all the audio.

ANYWAYS now I'm done and time to finish this flash so I can move on to the next few!

Lots of stuff coming!

Posted by Anco6900 - March 8th, 2009

I noticed that since I fixed the audio, no one else has really checked out the video which isn't exactly what I want because all I got are the reviews of when the video still had problems. I want some advice from what the REAL flash is, not when it was broken so I do encourage more people to check out the flash. It's up to you whether you like it or not but I would like any advice you have to offer.

Posted by Anco6900 - February 26th, 2009

Ok this one will be quick in short. Basically I did my best to re-sinc the audio in Awsome Life and I did so OORA. Now that my first flash is done and my trial has expired, now it's time to find more programs to try out and hopefully next time I come back I'll have a good animated video that will have taken a lot more time than this one... well I'll get started on that whenever I get a full version of Flash haha. so basically I'm not giving up on flash, but it'll be a good while until I make another video so this could be bad news to people or good news, I don't know I'm not you haha.

Posted by Anco6900 - February 24th, 2009

Awsome Life is experiencing some severe audio difficulties which is really ticking me off seeing my trial has run out and I need to find out what keeps screwing up the video. I want to remove the video so that whenever I fix it people won't think it's still the crap version but I don't know how to delete videos off newgrounds! It may be because I'm still a Newgrounds newbie (I only joined recently) or there really isn't a way. Anyway not sure how I'll fix this one but I'm going to try! I really want this to work.

Posted by Anco6900 - February 22nd, 2009

HOORAY! I finally found a way to get my flashes onto Newgrounds after exploring the program more. I found out how to add sounds and get some voices in and yaaaaaa. Anyways, I might finally be able to post my first flash really soon! It may be the only flash I'll make in a long time (seeing as I don't have the full program, only the trials) but I really want to see the response to my first ever flash. It isn't God but it isn't shit either. Soon enough, Awsome Life shall be complete!

Awsome Life